Shopping: Mall of America

Ask your partner how he/she managed to find some of the items:

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Student AStudent B
You are at the Radisson Blu Hotel and you want to buy soap, where do you go ? How do you get there ? You are at the Radisson Blu Hotel and you want to buy a USB stick, where do you go ? How do you get there ?
You have bought soap, now you need to buy surf gear, where do you go ? How Do you get there ? You have bought a USB stick, now you need to buy a book, where do you go ? How do you get there ?
You have bought your surf gear, now you need to buy a necklace and earrings, where do you go ? How do you get there ? You have bought your book, now you need to buy sweets and candies, where do you go ? How do you get there ?
You have bought the necklace and earring that you wanted, now you need to buy an ice cream, where do you go ? How do you get there ? You have bought sweets and candies, now you need to buy today's paper, where do you go ? How do you get there ?
You have eaten your ice cream, now you need sneakers, where do you go ? How do you get there ? You have today's paper, now you need sunglasses, where do you go ? How do you get there ?