Master 1
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Tort Reform/ Mc Donald's Coffee Case
Week 1
Mc Donald's Coffee Case
Week 2
Donoghue v Stevenson Worksheet (docx)
Blog on Donoghue v Stevenson
Scottish law reports
The snail and the ginger beer
"Donoghue v. Stevenson's 60th Anniversary
Scopes Trial
Week 3
The Evolution Debate Vocabulary/Pronunciation/Questions

BBC The Monkey Trial

NCSE: Dover Case

Explications en français

Constitution et religion : analyse de la jurisprudence américaine relative au créationnisme

La résistance au darwinisme : croyances et raisonnements

Week 4
Vocabulary You will find below the vocabulary used in the recordings. Use firefox for the exercises.Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 2

Vocabulary 3

Vocabulary 4

Mock Exam

Further links....

Creationist Museum in Kentucky

And there are some interesting scenes about religion in the US in the movie Religulous

R v Dudley and Stephens / Torture / Necessity

R v Dudley and Stephens


OJ Simpson

O.J Simpson ( word document)

Useful links from Itunes University

Introduction to torts

Limitations of trial by jury ( UK)

Tableau Criminal/civil

Burden of proof

you tube: gloves

  Guantanamo (word document)

Habeas Corpus and Enemy Combatants

ABC ( Australia)


iTunes University: